Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Structured Cabling Testing


Data Cabling Testing – The Basics

Data is one of the most important elements of modern business and its usage can be found in practically every sector. Accordingly, you need your data supply to be reliable; one of the best ways to achieve this is with high-quality data cabling in London. However, data cabling is not immune to faults. And this is why it’s crucial that it’s regularly tested. Carrying out data cabling testing allows you to identify potential problems and maintain the health of your data. Testing structured cabling systems may sound complex, but the reality is that it’s relatively straightforward.

Data Cabling Testing Standards

It’s important that your data cabling meets industry standards in order to guarantee that it works. A setup that does not meet these standards is likely to lead to poor data transfer and, in certain cases, data loss. Therefore, it’s critical that you team up with a professional who can advise on the current state of your structured cabling. The standards required for your particular premises can vary, but these requirements can be found in the ISO 11801 series of standards. Conforming to these data cabling testing standards is essential for a fully operational data system.

Cable Testing Procedures

Testing structured cabling systems involves significant work and complexities, but the basics are far from difficult to understand. Naturally, in order to carry out testing to a specific standard, you will need to carry out testing procedures with specialist equipment. And using this equipment requires training in order to complete testing accurately. The equipment and procedures involved will include:

Network Cable Tester: This handheld device is used to specifically check the eight connectors at the end of each cable. Once the test is completed you will know if the connectors are operating correctly without the risk of any shorts/breaks being present.

Multimeter: Using a multimeter allows the operator to test continuity between two connectors of a data cable. Whilst this is ne for continuity checks it will be unable to confirm any details about the performance of the cable.

Cable Certification Tester: A much more advanced piece of equipment than the previous two devices, a cable certification tester allows you to carry out more rigorous tests. It can, for example, measure the resistance of conductors, check the wiring of the cable core, and measure signal degradation from any interference. The cable certification tester is the only device that is qualified to deliver a Pass or Fail verdict after testing a data cable. 

Testing Documentation

The data from cable certification data can be downloaded and printed in the form of a certificate. This dated paperwork will confirm both the type of cable that has been tested and the tests that have been carried out. As long as the results from these tests meet data cabling in Watford regulations then the certificate will be approved with a ‘Pass’ declaration. Once this Pass approval has been achieved you can rest assured that your data cabling is t for purpose. Data cabling testing remains a complex procedure to carry out correctly and safely, so you need to make sure you have experience and expertise on your side. By employing a professional to carry out your testing you can guarantee that your cabling solutions remain hassle-free.

Original Source: Structured Cabling Testing 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

How to Prepare For an Office Move

 With the most important projects, the process starts with making a checklist. Thus a checklist of how to prepare for an office move. This plan that you can refer to over and over again. This list should include things like designing a moving task force consisting of key employees. Furthermore meeting with a space planner and/or interior designer. The following elements will need to be considered or in place in your new location on top of your actual office equipment and furniture

1. Electrical Outlets and Power Requirements

2. Data Cabling Watford for Computers and Phones

3. WiFi

4. CCTV and Access Control

5. Lighting

6. Mobile Phone Signal Eciency

7. Incoming services such as broadband and telephone lines.

Consider your technology taking inventory and dispose of what you don’t need. In addition, now may be the time to upgrade technology. Also, contact the appropriate utility companies to turn the services on and o. Furthermore, inform your customers about the change in the address card. Submit instructions for any new procedure before, during, and during the move. Remember to meet with employees later.

This is not just a move. Delays and lost goods can hinder your workflow and prevent employees from returning to work quickly, disrupting productivity and damaging your income. The same applies to not having the correct power and data infrastructure in place at the new location

It is important to ensure that business continues uninterrupted despite relocation. To move smoothly, commercial professionals need to be hired with dynamic business experience. Both in setting up the new office and in relocating the existing

Once the relocation date has been set, the business owner should prepare for the upcoming relocation. Similarly, if you are crossing the road or relocating nationally.

Here are some tips to keep your office move in mind:

Develop a Timeline

Create migration schedules based on important dates in the business calendar. Write events in the event exchange timeline. Factor on expiration of business ‘building lease’. The property manager should be notified of the expected action date. Talk to all employees about relocation dates. Suppliers should also be notified. Inform the team members about the progress of this development as well as their responsibilities during the relocation.

Plan for the New Space

Once you sign your lease, the first thing you need to deal with is space planning. Will your existing furniture t your new location? Do you know where the current furniture is going? Do you have enough furniture to cover your entire space? Space planners are available and can make a definitive draft of what your existing furniture will look like in your new space. They can also work with you to recognize fresh equipment as wanted. Some landowners offer free space planning services. If your landlord does not provide a space plan, you may be eligible to work with a furniture seller who can help with your space plan. You can also nd free tools online to help you plan your place.

Once the furniture layout is in place you can assess the existing infrastructure. The following questions can then be assessed

1. Do I have floor boxes and power in the right locations for the desks

2. How many data points do I need for computers and phones

3. How many WiFi access points do I require to cover the office

4. What is the phone signal like. Do I need to install a booster?

5. What can be relocated and what needs to be new

By planning in advance these works can be correctly installed prior to the office move. If not then they will be disrupted after the move

Announce the move

Create a detailed email, newsletter section, or short video plan to let employees know about the big move. Furthermore, it should be comprehensive regardless of the format you choose. In addition, employees need to be told everything they need to know. Thus the more detail you put into communication, the easier it will be for you to wrap your head around every step of your office.

Here are some objects to comprise in your statement: 

  • New office name and address
  • Moving date/dates
  • Key features of the new office
  • Employees still need to do something, if anything
  • What future employees should expect

Set Up Your IT & Telecommunications

Your priority should be to find a new place for your employees as soon as possible. Which translates into the Internet and phone systems for most companies.

Do you already have Internet and telecommunications services installed in your new location? The previous tenant may have removed all IT Cabling Canary Wharf when he moved out.

Verify that the internet speed you need is available at the location you are renting. If your business needs a specific Internet speed, verify that the provider has that capability. If you already have an account configuration, you can usually move your existing agreement to your new site. 

Establish your budget and purchasing process

Get budgets (preferably on paper) from your company leaders and set guidelines for completing all purchases related to the initiative. This step will help you visualize the process going on. For example, if you need a team of three to sign all purchases and contracts, you may be able to plan extra time for all doses related to the purchase.

Make lists of what you have and lists of what you need

Now is the time to make an inventory of everything, big and small. Make two lists:

  • Things you’re taking
  • Things you’re leaving behind and disposing

The lists should highlight some requirements that you might otherwise ignore, especially if you refer to them with your new office floor plan.

For example

When on a tight budget, inventory will remind you that you need to pack everything hidden in this all storage space

If the office move includes a complete design, and you’re dropping o all trash cans and whiteboards. In addition, you’ll need to purchase new versions of those requirements to get a new look.

If your new kitchen is twice your old size, but there are only a few basic things on your “pick up” list, you’ll need to pick up new kitchen items. 

Generate and Execute a worker and client Communication Plan

Do your employees, customers and shoppers know about your move?

Create a communication plan to inform your employees, customers, and any vendors about your upcoming move. Having a series of meetings with your company to help plan dynamic days, understanding logistics, and answering any questions. 

There will be a lot of questions in the people’s office about this initiative. Furthermore, try to separate office work from your regular duties by simply creating an email address for action-related questions and correspondence. 

How to Prepare For an Office Move – The final step

Plan a party to celebrate your moving success!

We use the term “party” loosely. You will probably be tired after this step. Furthermore more reason to celebrate your hard work. Get some champagne or non-alcoholic bubbles and some easy, healthy snacks, and you’ll create excitement about the move.

Original Source:  How to Prepare For an Office Move